Hope this if finding you all well. The weather the last couple of days has been GREAT!
I had my 3rd surgery yesterday. I was about like the others. We got to the hospital at 8:30, I signed in and after a brief amount of lab work, I was called back to my room for the day. I didn't have to get any mammograms or ultrasounds or guide wires placed this time, so it went relatively quick.
The orderly came to get me and put me in pre-op. I got there around 9:30. After the 2nd attempt at placing my IV line (ouch!) they said Dr. Cooper was still in another surgery. This was around 10:20. One of the nurses came by and said if they didn't call me back in 15 minutes, she would let my family come back there; and she did. Scott and Momma came back to see me. It had signs all over the door that it was a sterile area. I assumed that meant everyone had to wear a hair net and scrub up before entering. I assumed incorrectly. I was also flat on my back so I could look at the ceiling tiles. There were 32 within my sight line. I counted them because I was bored. When you are looking at ceiling tiles that are dirty, you try not to think about how "not sterile" the room is. So I decided to close my eyes and take a nap. Around 11, they came to get me and gave me something to help me relax for the ride to the OR. I remember being rolled out of pre-op, into the operating room and someone telling me to breathe deeply. Then I saw that mask go over my face. I also saw some big lights above. I was counting to myself and trying to breathe deep. I got to 4.
Next thing I remember is waking up in recovery. They were speaking my name loudly and telling me where I was and that it was over. I couldn't help but notice how much pain I was in. My lower back was killing me so I tried to move my legs and release some of the pressure off my back. It helped some. But then I noticed my incision felt like it was burning and stinging and just generally painful. The nurse asked if I was in pain and I told her yes. She said, "OK. I will bring you some morphine." THANK YOU!!! is what I wanted to shout. Instead I starting breathing, trying to calm myself. I dozed a little, then was asked again if I was still in pain. At that point, it was dulled a little. I told her that and she gave me more morphine. A few minutes later I was feeling pretty good. She kept telling me to breath deeply because it would help to saturate my body with oxygen (they had taken the oxygen tubing out). She also said they wouldn't give me more pain meds in the room if I didn't. I breathed as deeply as I could, but between each deep breath, I wanted to go back to sleep. She had to keep reminding me to breathe deep.
A little while later they wheeled me back to my room. Momma, Daddy, Angie and Scott were waiting for me. Angie and I were trying not to laugh when she said she'd bring me some Sprite. We had just had a conversation about how Sprite tastes so good in the hospital, along with graham crackers. So when she asked me if I wanted some Sprite, Angie mouthed to me, "And graham crackers!" Sometimes we can just look at each other and start laughing. It happens with my momma and Tammy Lee too. Could've been the drugs making me laugh too. :)
Gary and Dot came in (Scott's parents) and visited with us awhile. After everyone left, I started dozing off again. The nurse came in and I got ready to leave. I think we ended up getting home around 4.
Everyone who was there tried to let everyone who wasn't there know how I was doing. Scott and I have AT&T and there is no service in the hospital. So he didn't get to text anyone until we got home.
I asked what Dr. Cooper said after surgery. They told me he said I did fine and everything looked good. The tissue he took out was sent to pathology and he will let me know the results on my follow-up visit, which is this coming Tuesday, the 6th at 3:40.
I'm feeling pretty good right now. Still a little groggy, but other than that, I'm good. Oh....and the nurse never did give me anymore pain meds. When the recovery nurse was talking to the room nurse, she said they had given me demerol and morphine in recovery. I guess they figured I'd had enough. ha! It was fine though. I wasn't feeling any pain. I took one pain pill around 10pm, then went to bed.
It's now 4:28am and I can't sleep that good right now. But I'm relaxed and am feeling fine. I'm trying not to take too many painkillers. I usually take 1 before bedtime but during the day I try to just use Advil or Aleve. It seems to work fine.
Oh, and I DID get some antibiotics before surgery. Dr. C said that antibiotics afterward shouldn't be needed because the incision is completely closed. The weight of the breast is what caused it to open up and get infected last time. I'm still watching it closely for any signs of infection, but I think it will be ok this time. I bought 2 really good supportive sports bras that he wants me to wear for the next 6 weeks. That, along with the stitches and steri-strips should hold everything together this time.
Everyone have a great and safe 4th of July weekend. I love this holiday. You don't have to buy presents, decorate, cook all that much, or send out cards. It's very relaxing to me.
Hugs to all! -
Just a reminder, when you go for the follow up to ask for some of those water proof pad thingies, you will need them on vacation. I'm so glad everything went well, you were on my mind all morning. Love you much!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Greta! I forgot to ask him about those last time I was there. I will put it on my notes to ask tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI realized too late that I should've taken some sort of voice recorder in there with me each visit. I think I'll try to remember that for when I see the oncologist.
Love you too!!!