"Let's kick cancer's booty and take some names."

LORD, after this suffering, let it be said that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. As a result, make my Savior clear to all those around me. Because of my suffering and willing perseverance, cause others to be encouraged to speak the Word of God more courageously and fearlessly.
(Phillippians 1:12-14)

About Me

God is walking with me. This I know.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Things Are Rolling Again

Just had my 3rd follow up visit after my lumpectomy.

Things are finally moving again and I couldn't be happier about that.

My next surgery is scheduled for Thursday, July 1st at 10:30am. I have more lab work (yep, I get to get stuck with another needle) this coming Friday, then I have to be at the hospital on the day of surgery at 8:30am. Same things as the other 2 times: no eating after midnight the night before, don't chew gum or mints, etc.

This coming up surgery (just to refresh your memory) is to take the tissue that surrounded the tumor to see if any of it is cancer. I don't know if they'll test it right there or if I will have to wait to get the results at my follow up visit (scheduled for Wednesday, July 5th at 11:45).

The best news I heard today was that I won't have to have any more mammograms or ultrasounds prior to this surgery! I could've kissed Dr. Cooper when he told me that.

GENE TEST: As Karen, Dr. Cooper's nurse stated sarcastically, "This is a very lady-like test." They have a kit that contains a plastic beaker with a cap, some paperwork and a travel sized bottle of Scope. She poured about a cap full of Scope into a small cup and told me to "swish" it around in my mouth for 30 seconds. She timed me. Question: how many of you tend to laugh when it's inappropriate? Like in church or at a funeral or when someone falls down? You just get tickled at the worst times. This is me, raising my hand. That was a LONG 30 seconds. I successfully 'swished' without laughing, then I had to spit it into the beaker. Her next words: "OK, let's do it again." WHAT? I barely got through the last 30 seconds without laughing. So I took another cap full and 'swished' it around for another 30 seconds, then had to spit it into the beaker. Discovery: Scope foams up A LOT when you swish it around for that long. Then she said, "OK, now I want you to run your tongue ALL AROUND your mouth, over your teeth, up over your gums and get as much spit in your mouth as you can and spit it into the beaker." Like she said........lady-like. So I did. Then she smiled at me and said I did good. :) Then, as my consolation prize, I got to take home the remaining Scope.

I still have to change the gauze several times a day on the incision, but Dr. Cooper said the it is looking exactly as it should and now we can proceed.

Please pray for no infection this go around and that it will heal quickly and won't give me any trouble on vacation (in 25 days!).

Special thanks to Greta Ward for making me some really awesome cards to send out. They are on kraft paper with a pink breast cancer ribbon embossed on them and on the inside it has the word "Hope" and "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."
Also to Lyn Walker and Carole Purkey for the GREAT make-over and make-up tips and for letting us invade your house (Lyn) last night. We had a great time!!

Hugs to all! -

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